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EU Digital Identity: A Step Towards Safer Digital Payments
The EU Digital Identity marks a significant leap towards creating a secure and straightforward system that enables citizens to access online services.
How to optimize your ecommerce
We know that properly optimizing an eCommerce is not an easy task, but here you have a few tips to achieve it! In any business, one of the most important aspects is to ensure profitability. It is essential to consider the proper functioning of technological tools, logistics, payment methods, user experience, etc. Here are some tips to increase your potential. If you are interested, read on!
Telecoming implements Evina’s Eyewitness technology to secure subscriber acquisition
As a leader of monetization technology for digital services, we develop and deploy technology for User Acquisition in the mobile environment. We are genuinely committed to fighting against mobile ad fraud that can imply $ 20bn in losses this year (according to our partner Juniper Research). In that sense, we are happy to communicate Eyewitness technology’s implementation in our digital advertising campaigns.
These are the trends that will shape digital marketing in 2021
Today on the Telecoming blog, two of our Digital Marketing experts talk about the trends that will mark the industry in 2021. If you want to know more about them, read on!
Technology, finance and new businesses
Today more than ever, it seems that reinvention is related to business success. After the pandemic, many sectors were forced to think outside the box to adapt to the new circumstances.
Telecoming becomes an AWS Technology Partner
We are proud to announce that we have become members of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (AWS) as a Technology Partner. The APN is the global community of Partners who leverage AWS to build solutions and services for customers.
Elia Guardiola: “Brands using storytelling have more opportunities to make their audience fall in love with them”.
Today in our blog, we are happy to interview Elia Guardiola, one of the most relevant Emotional Marketing and Storytelling experts. In this conversation, she tells us about the importance of communicating with stories that touch. Brands need the storytelling to make the user identify emotionally with them.
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