Enhancing Advocacy: AI & Gamification Unite On many occasions, having a team member advocacy program can make team member engagement seem lukewarm. Traditional advocacy needs to work on participation. The good news is that, by using emerging technologies,...
The Rise of Social Media: AI and E-commerce on the Spotlight IAB Spain has recently published its annual report about the use of social media which aims to measure the evolution and outstanding tendencies in networking site usage and quantify its penetration....
The Science of Responsive Web Design It is a known fact that people like to interact with websites designed interactively, and don’t pay attention to those with a dull interface. Businesses that understand how a creative design can influence the buying...
Telecoming Renews Commitment to IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework We are proud to renew our commitment to IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) v2.2. Since 2018, Telecoming has been recognized as a registered vendor within the TCF....
The Future of Mobility Over the past decade, mobility has become one of the hottest topics. The ever-present growth of metropolises and the boost in private vehicle usage have brought about several alternatives to classic driving. In this regard, eco-friendly...