Best companies to work for in Spain. Ups! We did it again!

We are happy to announce that we are once again among the best companies to work for in 2021. This ranking made by the famous newspaper El Mundo (Actualidad Económica) values those companies that place employees at the centre of their strategy.
One of our values is FUN because we put a lot of focus on strengthening human relationships. That is why recreational activities are essential for the organisation. Although this past year has been different, we have done our best to celebrate business continuity and new projects. The first initiative we launched was ‘Friyays’: every Friday we organised a little shindig in the office. We have also promoted what we called ‘Little Great Hits’ to celebrate a little or big achievement every month. The aim is to share with everyone the enthusiasm for a well-done job.
The analysis carried out these months by the reporters has highly valued our effort to strengthen personal bonds among a team of 122 talents from 19 countries. Telecoming is a tech company committed to integrating people far beyond the professional role they play.
“At Telecoming, we truly believe that motivation and recognition of teams’ work are key to any organisation success. We are proud to be part of this ranking for the fifth year in a row because it confirms that we are on the right track to attract and retain talent. We still have things to do; we know it. The ranking confirms that there are better companies to work for in Spain. Our challenge is to keep improving every year as much as we can”. – Carolina Fernández Vinuesa, Chief People Officer.
This year we have climbed nine places compared to the previous year. At Telecoming, we will continue to focus on the people who make the company’s success possible. Now it’s time to work hard to be in this ranking next year again!