The Rise of Generation Alpha: Digital Natives Redefining Entertainment Children and adolescents from Generation Alpha, born between 2010 and 2024, have grown up immersed in the digital era, skillfully handling smartphones and tablets from an early age. This...
Shifting Sands: TikTok and Google in the Battle for Search Dominance At Telecoming, we recognize the importance of staying informed about the latest trends and shifts within the industry, to keep updated about the crazy digital advertising market and adtech...
European Sport Sponsorship Market: Reaching a new record high The sports industry is a dynamic and robust environment to engage with fans worldwide. In this sense, brands have an opportunity to establish deeper connections with the public and present their...
Payments ecosystem: behind technological innovation approaches Envision a scenario where you enter a store, collect your desired items, and effortlessly walk out, with the payment automatically processed as you exit. There are no queues, no waiting, and no need...
The fintech evolution in non-financial industries Fintech: perhaps a buzzword you’ve come across in recent business and technology discussions, but at its core, it encompasses applying digital technologies, big data, analytics, and blockchain, aiming to...
Riding the wave of hype: a new generation of fans is here! In today’s digital-first world, the concept of being a ‘fan’ has evolved far beyond simple admiration. For Generation Z, fandom is a complex ecosystem fueled by hype, innovation and a...