Our Blog

Social networks as drivers of human relations

Social networks as drivers of human relations

Networks are an easy and effective way of disseminating content, whether informative or entertaining, responding to it, and sharing it with people worldwide. In other words, social networks facilitate and develop the creation of relationships between international companies.

Mobile advertising: monetizing the gaming experience

Mobile advertising: monetizing the gaming experience

As a complete guide of mobile gaming advertising, which is one of the most effective ways to profit from monetizing this type of content, we cover everything you need to know to master in-app and in-game advertising.

Latest trends and the near future of eSports

Latest trends and the near future of eSports

The eSports industry is now a trailblazer for the future of competitive gaming and a testament to the immense potential of technology in revolutionizing traditional sports. As a sports technology company, we are thrilled to be part of this vibrant industry’s journey, committed to fostering the growth and evolution of eSports globally.

Meeting… Mohamed Benhamadi, Business Development Managing Director

Meeting… Mohamed Benhamadi, Business Development Managing Director

In a new edition of ‘Meeting our team’, we introduce you to our Managing Business Development Director, Mohamed Benhamadi, who has been part of our team for more than 5 years. He leads the Business Development area for our Operations team, looking for the best partnership opportunities.

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