We are a sportech company specializing in developing and distributing mobile experiences for sports fans.

We leverage fans’ emotional connection with their passion because we understand the potential of these communities. Mobile sports fans are more than just spectators: they are loyal, emotional and highly interactive.

Our entertainment services built around the sports experience are an excellent opportunity for clubs, leagues and organizations to create new connections, increase fan communities and monetize this fantastic audience through mobile billing.


We believe fandom owns the power in the sports industry.


We imagine and develop memorable digital experiences for those sports fans.


We create and distribute the best sports entertainment and information services for mobile consumption.

We are experts in creating communities of subscribers who pay each month to enjoy mobile experiences related to sports.

Subscription-based businesses allow organizations to maintain a regular revenue stream. This model is perfect for the sports industry because the connection with the brand (club, athlete, competition) exists before accepting any paying subscription. Payment is a natural evolution of that user-business connection that generates deeper relationships with the fan community.

We have successfully developed services for different sports brands interested in monetizing their communities by turning them into profitable sources of recurring income.

Stay tuned!

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