The future of transport is here

Roberto Monge, our COO, led the debate organized by the MMA last month on payment innovation applied to the mobility and transport industry. Ángel Niño, Councillor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Madrid City Council and Alberto Gómez, CFO of Wible carsharing, participated at the event.
One of the starting points of this discussion was that transport and payments had become commodities, essential everyday utilities of the modern user.
In Europe, there are around 320,000 subscribers to services offering multimodal transport packages under the subscription model. This figure will exceed 5.7 million by 2025. Spain currently accounts for 5% of this industry, but in 4 years, it will account for 12% of the European mobility market under subscription.

“Like many other markets, the mobility market has changed in the last year. Constraints are accentuating a sharp decline in car use, and consumers will look for alternatives such as mileage-based insurance or carsharing”, explained Roberto Monge, Chief Operations Officer

Mobile is the place to be
During the discussion, one idea came to every mind: mobile devices introduce transport into a new era.
Having a smartphone means having geolocation or notification tools handy to any other service. The mobile device’s capacity has welcomed a vibrant and wide range of services in the transport sector. However, it is necessary to continue developing the user experience.
As we have told before, one of the key moments for this improvement is the payment process. Introducing technologies such as Direct Carrier Billing can reduce the purchase process and increase by x5 the conversion rate for mobile transactions.
Telecoming is committed to taking part in this new digital and passionate ecosystem. We will remain close to all the stakeholders involved in the digitalization of the European transport industry.
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