We’re ready for the coming skills!

We’re ready for the coming skills!

Companies need new technologies and digital tools to evolve, and this digital revolution requires constant training. The Study Top 25 Digital Professions 2019 published by Inesdi Digital Business School reveals the growing need of digital profiles with technological...
Dpay, welcome!

Dpay, welcome!

We are happy to present our mobile payment solution for the digital press, the next big industry entering the amazing content monetization trend. The subscription model and the payment for worthwhile content is a consolidated reality in large industries such as music,...
Telecoming among the top 100 tech companies in Spain

Telecoming among the top 100 tech companies in Spain

Each year Computing magazine releases the Leaders Ranking to recognize the main players among the technology industry in Spain. Telecoming participated for the first time in 2017 and since then, we are proud to rank among the 100 largest technology companies operating...