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After two years without getting together, we celebrated the Telecoming spirit again last week, as only we know how to do it. Our Outdoor 2022 – under the slogan Sun&Fun – challenged us to work on two corporate values: Brave and Fun.

Qwest TV, Quincy Jones’ music OTT, signs with Telecoming to develop its mobile monetization

Qwest TV, Quincy Jones’ music OTT, signs with Telecoming to develop its mobile monetization

We are proud to announce that Telecoming will monetize the QWest TV music service through DCB (Direct Carrier Billing). Created in 2017 by Quincy Jones, the producer responsible for Michael Jackson’s three most famous albums, QWest TV has become the online reference for enjoying the best productions, concerts and documentaries in the history and present of jazz and other musical genres.

Congrats, Real Madrid CF!

Congrats, Real Madrid CF!

From Telecoming, we congratulate Real Madrid FC for all their victories. We have been working hand in hand with this amazing team since 2018 because we believe that technology opens up infinite economic and social opportunities for soccer clubs.

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