Our Blog

The Future of Mobility
Over the past decade, mobility has become one of the hottest topics.
Let’s talk about data! What is it used for?
Data can be used for many different analytics and scenarios. There are lots of data types that companies use to target potential customers.
RCS is already a successful case study
RCS, “rich communication services”, is a communication protocol that enables users to transmit multimedia and products in richer messages. This innovation is a game changer because it simplifies the messaging users’ experience among different digital platforms.
The origin, the future and the challenge of DCB
We had the opportunity to discuss with John BaRoss about the origin, the future and the challenge of DCB. We are happy to share his inspiring vision of our amazing industry.
Mobile gaming revenue on track to reach EUR 412M this year in Spain
Mobile gaming worldwide revenue could surpass EUR 90.000M this year and will reach EUR 124.883M by 2023. Europe accounts for 22% of the global market (EUR 19.785 billion) and is expected to increase to EUR 25.256M over the next five years.
The trends & future of data
The volume of data has increased massively over the last few years, and it is expected to grow even more.
Why is cultural diversity a great value?
In Telecoming, we firmly believe that cultural diversity is key to achieving a pleasant working environment because it is a great value that enriches talents.
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