Xavi Prats, Tap Tap Tales: “Telecoming enables us to operate in new territories”.
Xavi Prats, Tap Tap Tales: “Telecoming enables us to operate in new territories”. Today at Telecoming’s blog, we are happy to interview Xavi Prats, Tap Tap Tales founder. Its company generates educational contents for children. And they are...
Marketing Automation To Increase Efficiency
The world does not stand still, and trends often change really quickly. Things that were relevant yesterday are not in trend anymore, especially when we talk about online marketing. However, in 2020, when the world will never be the same, digital marketing might go to...
Telecoming wins Silver at the Corporate and Financial Awards
Telecoming wins Silver at the Corporate and Financial Awards We are proud to announce the receipt of silver recognition at the Corporate & Financial Awards 2020 in the category of Best Use of Digital Media. These awards celebrate excellence in all aspects of...
5 tips to design an effective UX for SEO
What many developers and marketers don’t realize is that SEO and UX go hand in hand. Forgoing one to prioritize the other is like making a pizza without the tomato sauce – and no one enjoys eating pizza with no sauce. A site with great UX will become an...