Six trends that will shape 2020

Six trends that will shape 2020

Artd Technological innovation has dominated the last decade. But what will 2020 bring us? Mobile commerce keeps growing more and more As we have seen over the last few months, more consumers choose mobile devices to make their purchases online. According to Statista,...
Rouge Agency drives digital transformation

Rouge Agency drives digital transformation

Rouge Agency firmly believes that the interaction between brands and users is changing promoted by technology.  Our Agency Director, Verónica Hernández, speaks to El Publicista about the promising future that the advertising market is facing thanks to the irruption...
About telco and content

About telco and content

  Google published last June an infographic about the digitalization of the telecommunications market. The user of telco services has changed the way he buys. If in 2013 almost 7 out of 10 users use different channels, today the web dominates, and the need to...