GO FOR IT! After two years without getting together, we celebrated the Telecoming spirit again last week, as only we know how to do it. Our Outdoor 2022 “ under the slogan Sun&Fun“ challenged us to work on two corporate values: Brave and Fun. During the morning,...
DCB, the honest-to-God mobile payment in the digital economy (new figures)
DCB, the honest-to-God mobile payment in the digital economy (new figures) We are happy to announce the launching of our new report, DCB Trends and Evolution, offering data for the five coming years. Have a look at the latest insights! The digital economy has...
Qwest TV, Quincy Jones’ music OTT, signs with Telecoming to develop its mobile monetization
Qwest TV, Quincy Jones’ music OTT, signs with Telecoming to develop its mobile monetization We are proud to announce that Telecoming will monetize the QWest TV music service through DCB (Direct Carrier Billing). Created in 2017 by Quincy Jones, the producer...
Congrats, Real Madrid CF!
Congrats, Real Madrid CF! Real Madrid’s May activity… what a month! The latest weeks have been intense for one of our partners, Real Madrid. They won the Champions League, and for the fourth year in a row, they keep being the soccer team with the most...