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Why we are in love with Cloud Computing

Why we are in love with Cloud Computing

Cloud computing reduces operational costs by eliminating the need for installing an IT infrastructure. In this post, we explore how Cloud computing makes it easy to adopt new technologies that enhance customer service delivery, bypassing the need for IT. But first, let’s start by answering the basic question. How does cloud-based computational revolution transcend Information Technology? Read on to learn more.

MWC21: We were there

MWC21: We were there

Two weeks ago, the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona reopened its doors after stopping due to the pandemic. We were one of the 25 Spanish companies participating at the Spanish Pavilion at this edition. It was exciting; we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to do business face to face!

New multi-language feature in all our services for kids

New multi-language feature in all our services for kids

We are happy to announce the launch of an innovative multi-language feature in all our services addressed to kids. The new multi-language technology reinforces our digital edutainment commitment and will be available for more than 1,000 multimedia contents.

About user-machine communications

About user-machine communications

This year, 2,360 M users will communicate with brands through chatbots and 1,515 M through RCS technology. These data from a report elaborated by our partner Juniper Research inspire us to think that user-machine communication has come to stay.

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