Our Blog

Football Benchmark insights: Sports Go Social!
The relationship between sport and technology has evolved significantly over the past decades, transforming how fans engage with their favorite teams.
The 1st Direct Carrier Billing Index is released today!
We are happy to present our first Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) Index carried out with Evina, experts in mobile payments protection.
How Digital Transformation is Enhancing Customer Experience
Most companies are always looking forward to implementing the digital transformation day in and day out to have an exceptional customer experience. Next, we will talk about what digital transformation is, the trends in the industry, and how a company can get started.
CEO of the Year in the Tech industry … Congratulations Cyrille!
We are happy to announce that European CEO Magazine has recognized Cyrille Thivat, Chief Executive Officer of Telecoming, as the 2021 Best Entrepreneur in the Technology Industry.
7 Seductive Copywriting Techniques For Digital Marketers
Digital marketers know the importance of choosing the right word at the right moment. Luckily, there are seductive copywriting techniques that help marketers persuade and captivate their target audience. If you want to know what they are, keep reading. We’ve made a list of the seven best seductive copywriting techniques you need to start using today.
Best companies to work for in Spain. Ups! We did it again!
We are happy to announce that we are once again among the best companies to work for in 2021. This ranking made by the famous newspaper El Mundo (Actualidad Económica) values those companies that place employees at the centre of their strategy.
The future of payments
The payments ecosystem is constantly evolving due to the unstoppable digitalisation we have been experiencing in recent years. ...
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