Our Blog

Top 5 articles to read this summer

Top 5 articles to read this summer

As we know it’s not always easy to find the time to read and keep up to date, we’ve created a top 5 of our most useful blog articles so you don’t miss a thing. As you know… the technology ecosystem is constantly evolving. If this interests you, we invite you to keep reading!

The importance of employee branding strategy

The importance of employee branding strategy

Considering our team as a key resource in building our brand strategy is something necessary. The digital revolution and, specifically, the consolidation of social networks have multiplied the impact and influence that employees can have in increasing the brand’s reach, attracting talent or generating business opportunities.

Payment trends to be aware of

Payment trends to be aware of

We are happy to announce a new agreement with Gracenote, the leading sports data company owned by Nielsen Holdings. Gracenote will furnish us with all the information about the upcoming Tokyo Olympic Games to distribute it among our amazing sports services.

Why we are in love with Cloud Computing

Why we are in love with Cloud Computing

Cloud computing reduces operational costs by eliminating the need for installing an IT infrastructure. In this post, we explore how Cloud computing makes it easy to adopt new technologies that enhance customer service delivery, bypassing the need for IT. But first, let’s start by answering the basic question. How does cloud-based computational revolution transcend Information Technology? Read on to learn more.

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