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3 Ways To Effectively Target Digital Ads

3 Ways To Effectively Target Digital Ads

Using artificial intelligence and big data properly, you’ll be able to reach your targets much more frequently. In this post, you’ll learn three ways to target digital ads effectively.

The European IoT market will exceed $ 26B this year boosting subscription-based business models

The European IoT market will exceed $ 26B this year boosting subscription-based business models

In Telecoming we have analyzed the role of connected objects in the new subscription economy. In 2020 there will be more than 10B connected objects in Europe, according to Juniper Research. This figure will grow by 25% each year until 2023. The European IoT hardware and software market will exceed $ 26B in 2020, representing 25% of the global market estimated at more than $ 105B for this year. With an average year-on-year growth of 18%, the European market will reach 41B in 2023.

The IAB lists Telecoming as a company committed to transparency

The IAB lists Telecoming as a company committed to transparency

We are happy to announce that the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) has included Telecoming in the list of European companies committed to transparency. The commercial advertising organization has made public in a press release, the list of companies meeting its requirements in the field of GDPR and within the programmatic purchasing environment at the European level.

We are (more) willing to pay for news

We are (more) willing to pay for news

Focusing on the subscription model, in which the user decides to pay for media information, the WEF report brings us good news: the population paying for content is increasing.

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