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A twist in the paradigm: TikTok as information source
Historically Google has been the biggest information provider worldwide. However, the latest studies have shown that Tik Tok is beginning to take over Google’s leadership.
10 Tips for Crafting a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Brand
Here you’ll find a guide for creating the perfect digital marketing strategy that will help your brand promote, sell and grow.
The design trends you need to know
If you are passionate about design or you work in the marketing department, this post will interest you! Below, some of our Creative Designers tell us about the trends that will succeed this year 2020. Are you ready to learn about the most groundbreaking ideas? Here we go! Â
Folding and Two-Screen Laptops: How to Utilize This New Wave of Creativity?
Two-screen laptops have been around for quite some time, but chances are most of you haven’t had any prior experience with this technology. Before you even know it, another technology is back in trend – foldability.Â
Top sporting events & second screening
Smartphones devices have become an essential tool for the user’s daily activity. Users can access most of the content that they see on TV or any other platforms. With an internet connection, they can also access lots of content related to the first screen their watching.
Online merchants: please, keep it simple
The astonishing importance of data is a fact these days. It is through data that brands try to catch the attention of potential...
Inspiring new generations at the University
From Telecoming, we advocate for ethical business practices as well as being super proud to have teams of people full of professional talent and willing to show and share their own experiences based on real cases.
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