Our Blog

The Science of Responsive Web Design
Businesses that understand how a creative design can influence the buying decisions of their clients will create websites that catch the eye.
Cashless payments, be part of the trend
Do you remember when did the majority of the people use to pay by cash their daily expenses? In 2019, this is a past fact. Cashless payments have been on the rise year after year, but the trend is now different.
European investment in digital advertising will exceed € 57,000 million this year
Rouge Agency, our AdTech agency, has carried out an analysis of the digital advertising industry and its promising future. At the end of this year, the investment in digital advertising in Europe will reach €57.232M, with a growth rate of 22% year-on-year until 2023, when the digital advertising market will surpass € 125.332M
Digital advertising needs technology to fight against fraud
We hosted in our office the MMA’s event, Tackling Mobile Ad Fraud, to brought together players experienced in mobile fraud.This initiative comes after the recent incorporation of Rouge AdTech Agency as a new partner of the Mobile Marketing Association.
How to use data to improve your marketing
Here's something that you might not already know. Your customers expect you to understand what they want. Not only this, they...
The European digital ticketing market will surpass €150B in 2019
Users are already choosing digital ticketing as a suitable option to buy tickets for transport, sports events, concerts and other entertainment shows. That’s why in Telecoming, we have carried out an analysis of digital ticketing, one of the markets with the highest growth potential in the mobile payment sector and operator payment.
Rouge Agency drives digital transformation
Our Agency Director, Verónica Hernández, speaks to El Publicista about the promising future that the advertising market is facing thanks to the irruption of new technologies.
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